GrotonFest Fall
Driving Local Business Growth
GrotonFest Fall first launched in 1979, to celebrate the town’s small businesses, showcase the budding artists and their crafts, and introduce nonprofit organizations in and around our community.

Master of Ceremonies - Clare McCallan
Clare McCallan is an author with Ave Maria press, on-air host at CatholicTV, and film critic at the National Catholic Reporter. In October, the tv show she created, wrote and hosts called “The Renaissance Room” will premier on CatholicTV. With two nationwide spoken word tours under her belt, she’s a nationally renown poet and is currently serving as the Creative Director of St. Joseph’s Home for Artisans, an art residency she created in Boston.
2024 Performance Schedule
Vendor Locations are subject to change due to safety concerns and event issues the morning of the event. Please stop by the GrotonFest Booth or Legion Meeting Space for vendor placement updated information.